
Waldorf VST Microwave 1 Plugin

Waldorf har lansert en gjenskapning av den orginale Microwave, men i plugin-form: si hei til Microwave 1. Denne vet vi om flere som vil bli glade for å se og høre(!) igjen. Det finnes flere videoer nedenfor.

Introduksjonsprisen er 119 EUR fram til 1. september, normal pris etter det er 149 EUR. En 30 dagers demo er tilgjengelig.

Pluggen fungerer under både macOS og Windows. Den finnes i flg. formater: macOS: VST, VST3, AudioUnit og AAX. Windows: VST, VST og AAX.

Her er hva de sier:

35 years ago Waldorf Music released its first instrument, the Microwave, which took the hearts of the leading musicians and producers of the nineties by storm. Its vibrate and distinctive sound transported the early wavetable sounds of the eighties into the rising electronic dance music of the following decade. Massive base lines, enigmatic wavetable modulations, brutal attacks and pads smooth like silk have been inspired generations of musicians. Microwave’s unique interpretation of wavetable synthesis combined with analogue filters defined what hybrid synthesis is at its best. Now’s the time to bring back this magical instrument in a software form to the digital workstations of producers and musicians world-wide. The Waldorf Microwave 1 Plugin was painstakingly recreated from the original hardware with all its idiosyncrasies and wonderful singularities. A multi-year effort and a labor of love which analyzed and modeled the original instruments down to the finest sonic details of every aspect of the hardware. Only the first generation of the Microwave and also the Waldorf Wave were based on a custom developed integrated circuit called the Waldorf ASIC. In combination with the legendary Curtis filter chips and a very unique 68k CPU based controller software the ASIC defined a very special flavor of wavetable sound unparalleled to none. No one else than the inventor of Wavetable Synthesis of the eighties, Wolfgang Palm, helped to design this unique chip. Waldorf took a huge effort to analyze and recreate this integrated circuit within the plug-in. As the original, the plug-in runs the internal synthesis with the ultra high sampling rate of 250 kHz regardless of the DAW sampling rate. The recreated digital waveforms have been bit-by-bit compared with the original to be 100% identical.

Besøk Waldorf for mer informasjon

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