XLN Audio har lansert en ny utvidelse kalt Vintage Dead for Addictive Drums 2. Hvis du vil ha veldig dempede trommer på din nye hit bør du sjekke ut dette. (For nybegynnere: For å bruke en ADpak som Vintage Dead må du også ha selve pluggen Addictive Drums).
Her hva XLN Audio sier:
We built a custom «dead box» in Stockholm’s legendary Ingrid Studios.
To get the perfect punchy sound, you need to control the drum’s ringing and resonance and the room’s reflections. Usually, you would encapsulate the kit with dampening gobo walls, and treat the drum heads with dampening material. But this is no usual kit — it’s the deadest of the dead.
Every kit piece was dampened to perfection using classic methods – tea cloths, towels, blankets, tape, moon gel – you name it.
- Perfect for beat-making, modern indie, and hard-hitting rock
- Custom-dampened vintage kit with tons of mojo
Prisen for Vintage Dead er 790,- NOK.
Les mer om Vintage Dead hos XLN Audio. Addictive Drums ble dessuten nylig oppdatert til v.2.5, og demo på pluggen er gratis å laste ned.