Sonic Charge Synplant 2 er utviklet av de svenske brødrene Magnus & Fredrik Lidström. Synplant benytter noe de kaller Genopatch teknologi, som må sies å være en ny, inovativ og ikke minst morsom måte å lage nye synthlyder på. Les mer her hvis du er ny på dette med Genopatch.
Sonic Charge melder nå at de har lansert fire nye, gratis «mods» for Synplant 2. Det er snakk om ulike script som gir tilleggsfunksjonalitet til synthen.
Her er hvordan de beskriver dem:
Favorite Button:
Adds a heart button to the patch display. Clicking it copies the patch to a «Favorite Patches» folder under your «user patches folder.» Clicking it again unfavorites the patch and removes the copy. Right-click the button to select from your favorites.
Tween Branches:
A new menu item, available by right-clicking the plant, creates a spiral-shaped plant that gradually morphs the sound across all 12 branches. This feature is particularly useful for the «Velocity» and «Ranges Bulb Modes.»
Detailed DNA Hints:
Adds useful tooltip hints to the «DNA Editor,» providing a readout on what settings are actually used by the underlying synth.
Graft Onto Branch:
The spiciest of them all. This mod unlocks a previously inaccessible feature in the sound engine that lets you copy sounds from different plants and graft them onto branches in a single plant. For example, you can use this mod to create a drum kit from different solutions in Genopatch or, with the «Layered Mode,» to layer different patches in one plant. It also enables explicit morphing from the «seed sound» to another specific sound on one branch.
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