Novation har en oppdatering til FL Key firmware, så hvis du bruker et slikt keyboard med siste versjon av FL Studio, vil denne gratis oppdateringen gi enda større kontroll over plugins og virtuelle instrumenter. Det har også kommet noen generelle forbedringer mht. funksjonalitet.
Oppdatering til Firmware v.1.2. gjøres enklest via Novation Components
FLkey v1.2: FL Studio Integration Enhancements:
- Direct Control of Mixer Plugins: Users can now control built-in mixer plugin parameters directly from their FLkey. This enhancement allows for hands-on adjustments to EQ, delays, compressors, and other favourite effects without the need for a mouse.
- Streamlined Plugin Navigation: Navigate through track plugins using the ‘Shift’ and Channel Rack ‘Up/Down’ buttons. The selected plugin is highlighted in FL Studio for easy visual reference.
- Mixer Track Navigation for Full-Size Models: FLkey 37, 49, and 61 users can navigate individual mixer tracks using ‘Shift’ and the Mixer ‘Left/Right’ buttons, reducing the need for mouse interaction.
- Kepler Instrument Control: Take control of Image-Line’s new synthesiser, Kepler, with FLkey’s pots, allowing for intuitive, hands-on manipulation of sound parameters.
Additional FLkey v1.2 updates:
- Enhanced Play/Stop Functionality: The Play and Stop buttons now transmit Start/Stop real-time messages via USB and MIDI when operating outside of any DAW. This feature is particularly beneficial for users with external gear like sequencers and grooveboxes.
- Custom Modes with External MIDI Feedback: The FLkey’s 16 velocity-sensitive pads now illuminate in response to incoming MIDI on/off messages, providing real-time visual feedback.