Divisimate 2

Nextmidi Divisimate 2

Hvis du driver med orkestrering kan det være interessant å høre at Nextmidi nå varsler at versjon 2 av Divisimate er lansert. Divisimate 2 kommer både som plugin og som selvstendig app (standalone). Den første versjonen de lanserte kom i 2020, så hva er nytt?
Det er flere ting så klart, men en av nyhetene er en innebygget arpeggiator som har to nivåer (basic / expert). Det har også dukket opp en transformer funksjon som opererer i sanntid både for noter og controller-data. Divisimate 2 har 32 multitimbrale porter, som tillater kontroll over opp til 512 instrumenter, mot 32 i den orginale versjonen av Divisimate.

Pluggen finnes i VST, AU og AAX format for Windows og macOS.
Prisen er 249 EUR. Logg inn for å se pris for oppgradering hvis du allerede eier Divisimate.

Les historien om utviklingen av Divisimate nedenfor.

«The idea of Divisimate started with two composers simply needing a solution for a common problem. Some of the most expressive and playable virtual instruments out there are monophonic – meaning they regularly can only play one note at a time.
But we wanted to be able to play and record a well voiced woodwind choir, a full brass section or essentially any orchestration. Immediately, without additional steps, in real time.
This could be achieved by splitting a chord into its individual voices and assigning each voice to an instrument. So the highest note could be sent to the first trumpet, the second highest to the second trumpet, and so on. Doing that by addressing each instrument individually through a dedicated MIDI port was the core idea. When we started development in 2018 we quickly realized that this idea had more potential. And that’s how we ended up releasing Divisimate in late 2019. After the initial release we kept building on the concept, adding features and exploring possibilities in free updates. The team grew, and so did the userbase. But eventually we realized that to make the things work that we had in mind, we needed to go back to the very foundations of the app and rebuild it from the ground up. And we did.
Now we are introducing Divisimate 2 to the world. It finally has the features that we have been dreaming of for years. Features that have been impossible to just build on top of Divisimate 1. And we have the technical foundation to keep building on it.»

For mer info, besøk Nextmidi

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