
Lær mer om Oberheim OB-1 med GForce

GForce Software har laget en serie på Youtube, der de går igjennom klassiske synther. Det foreløpig siste avsnittet handler om Oberheim OB-1som ble lansert i 1978. Det kan vel hende at årsaken er at de planlegger å lansere en softsynth basert på denne synthen om en stund, men uansett kan det være fin sommerunderholdning i hengekøya, for den synth-historisk interesserte. Sjekk også ut andre videoer fra GForce.

Her er hva de sier:

It’s incredible that the Oberheim OB-1 has remained under the radar for so long. The Oberheim OB-1 holds a special place in the history of synthesisers. Launched in 1978, it was the world’s first programmable monophonic synthesiser. Designed by Tom Oberheim and his team, this revolutionary instrument brought the power of preset memory to the world of analogue synthesis, allowing musicians to easily store and recall their unique sounds. In a superbly crafted documentary produced and narrated by the esteemed Dave Spiers, the history and uniqueness of the Oberheim OB-1 are brought to life in a way that is both enlightening and deeply engaging.

Se også artikkel om Overheim OB-1 på Wikipedia

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