Born To Produce Cubase 14

Born To Produce Cubase 14

Born To Produce er raske på ballen, og har nå lansert et nytt kurs: Cubase 14 for beginners. Kurset er på tilsammen 3 timer og fordelt over 20 leksjoner.

Unlock your music production potential with this fun and hands-on Cubase 14 tutorial! Join Cubase Certified Trainers as they guide you step by step through the process of creating a complete track—from start to finish. Along the way, you’ll master all the essential tools and techniques in Cubase, empowering you to produce your own music in any genre you choose. This course will give you everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life!

Prisen for kurset er akkurat nå 29 GBP (ca. 413 NOK med dagens kurs), hvis du er rask. Ordinær pris er 59 GBP (841 NOK).

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