
Arturia Efx Refract

Arturia lanserer en ny plugin effekt kalt Efx Refract (gratis til 4. januar). 

Her er hva de sier:

Efx REFRACT is a stereo multi-effect with versatility at its core. Combining unison-based processing with a variety of secondary effects and modulation options. Effortlessly enrich, texturise and transform any sound, from experimental distortions to detuned harmonics. As we enter our 25th year, we would like to offer you our sincere thanks for supporting us on our journey, and we look forward to many more years of sound exploration together. To show our gratitude and celebrate the holiday season, we are giving away Efx REFRACT free of charge from December 21st until January 4th 2024.

Pluggen finnes for Windows og macOS, i formatene VST, AAX, Audio Unit. Støtter NKS (kun i 64-bit DAWs).

Les mer hos Arturia eller se videoer nedenfor.

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